Free Lessons Now Available!

Dear Parents and Students,

We are very excited to announce that the entire first lesson of the following courses are now made available to everyone, absolutely free of charge and no string attached!

In the first lesson of the Fundamental Java Programming course, student will get a perspective of what programming language is really about , and then we dive in to get our hands dirty! The lesson includes setup instruction for the programming environment (IDE) which we always recommend IntelliJ for, and then we hand hold students to finish their first ever complete Java program, and walk through all important elements to get them a solid start!

In the first lesson of the USACO Bronze 1 course, we talk about all aspects of USACO competition including all details of how and when to participate, how is it administrated, the submission and scoring process and how to get promoted! And then we went on to look at a sample real USACO problem together and walk through the entire process from reading, analyzing, all the way to implementation and submission! Check it out to see how much you can learn from just our first lesson, and how our learning system works!

Parents are also strong encouraged to go over the entire first lesson to learn everything you need to know about USACO!

So why wait, check out these two awesome entire first lessons to get started, and imagine what a fruitful and satisfying experience you will have learning and ascending with us. Any questions? Drop us a line at info at We look forward to having you join us on this wonderful journey.

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